Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Deciding - Wisely? Or Smartly?

When making a decision, we are always taught or atleast warned to make a wise decision. Most of the time we try to make a smart decision.

Smart decision is self-centered. It could be for self, for the family, for the company, for the friends, for the politic party, for the country and even for God, but there main reason behind a smart decision is for self's benefit. When making a smart decision, we will get appraisals in the manner of monetary or loyalty or fear or people less bother us or many other self benefits where the list can go on.

When wise decision is made, there is no assurance that we will get appraisal. Sometimes people even can describe us as stupid. When a decision is made wisely, a fair judgement is made in conjuction.

For example when making wise decision in marrying a person, we see all the downfall of that person yet deciding to marry that person because we faithfully believe in God is the center of the marriage and we can cope. If smart decision is made, marrying a difficult person is a no because our life will be more complicated then. When making wise decision in promoting a person, we see his/hers credibility. If smart decision is made, we see the appraisal from the smart move by promoting a credible person.

Wise decision is made with wisdom. God made wise decision and that is why He created human. He knew humankind will betray Him but He also knew human will learn His greatest gift. Love. If God ever made a smart decision, we will not be alive because truly we are destroying the world, the masterpiece of God.

I pray that we, brothers and sisters and including myself, make wise decisions in every moment of our life. I pray that may God blesses us with His wisdom.


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