Monday, May 17, 2010

Who am I? What is my mission?

There are always some questions running in my head since I was 21yr. "Who am I?... What is my mission?... What am I called to do?.."

Well, they may sound like an action movie phrases, but these are what is going through my head for over 6 years. It's like I am sailing in the middle of an ocean looking for a dry land. Many times I believed that I might be called for being this or that and try to relate it to my talents and knowledge so that I could one day say, "Aha....This is it". But, I am just a 'Jack of many trades, master of non'.

Maybe my name carries the answers for my questions... Or maybe it just an answer rather that answers.

Anbuchudar Christie = Anbu (Love, Cinta) + Chudar (Flame, Api) + Christie (Christ, Kristus)

Anbuchudar Christie = Christ's flame of love = Api cinta Kristus.

Love endures all things and Love never ends. I hope that this what I am here for. To be the Christ's Flame of Love

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