Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Money or Love?

One of my friend who was having his own bussiness went bankrupt because his partner cheated him and ran away with the company's money. This has happened a few months ago, but i do not know until he rang me up. Since that day, I was journeying with his suffering and tried my best to help him find a job, getting him a motorcycle license and ext.

As I was sometimes visiting and had some chat with him, he told me that though he is broken, he felt that he is still lucky to have his girlfriend supporting him to pay his credit card debt as he is having debt on loan to pay. I felt very impressed and immediately I felt a high respect on her.

My friend told me, "Anbu. Do you think that any Chinese girl would do as what she is doing if they are facing the same situation?" He questioned me such way not because he is racist, but because he is an Indian and his girlfriend is a Chinese.

I could only smile and say in my heart, "Why it should be Chinese girl. Shouldn't any girl of any race could do the same thing? I dont see any different between a Chinese and any other race. We are all human race"

My friend is a very hardworking person. I sometimes feel ashamed to compare myself with him. He is good in Public Relation, good in Marketing, good in keeping contacts, good in delivering job in time and as an Indian, he could speak Cantonese fluently. He has every qualities of a Malaysian bussinessman should have except one thing. He easily trust his friends, and that is not a good thing in bussiness. "Don't trust anybody in bussiness." That's what he should have done but it was too late for this time.

I believe that he could come back again. I have never doubted his determination and capability to be successful again, though he is having a very tough time facing what he has lost, now.

Coming back to his girlfriend. Both of them knew and been together for nine, long years. She was then a sales girl with poor English and Bahasa Malaysia command. Her SPM result too was poor plus with her parents did not support her to further study due to they felt ashamed of her. My friend, then was already making good income working as a sales person. He supported her to take up some computer courses, continued with UBS training, and went to do Accountant course and now she is doing LCCI. He even gave some money of RM8000 for her to buy a car. And now, she is living a respectful life as her parents no more feel ashamed of her.

But yesterday, she called up my friend and said that she would like to break-up with him because he is worthless. I am not making up on the word 'worthless' because this is what exactly the word she used. I do not need to further say how my friend felt about this.

Coming back to 'love life'. I don't exactly get the point why money is more important than a man's capability to be successful, for some girls? Is money is the most important thing?

You could say, money is important because of financial support. I would say I agree with you, but how worthful is money compare to the believe of a woman on a man that he could be successful? A man with a vision, a dream, and working towards it, is a successful man to be. He is not a cheap person because he is working towards his success. Falling on the way, is usual, but coming back is the most important.

If you ask me, I would want a girl that together with me on the journey to be a successful person, as I would be walking with her towards her success. I am not talking a success within 2 or 3 years. I am talking about 8 to 10 years time. I dont believe in short time success. It is not very concrete.

I read an article on the Star today. A boyfriend says this to his girlfriend,"I love you even during the days when I dont feel it so much." The girl replied, "What? You mean you dont love me on certain days?!"

The boyfriend says, "No. I do love you very much. There are times when I feel it more, like when we are both happy. feeling in love is important, but what we do and the action we take when we're upset with each other and not in the 'in love' mode is more important."

Sorry to say this but I really look down on girls that think that money is the most important.


Nicole said...

am confused.
she supported him when he was facing financial crisis and then she wanted to break up with him???

Anbuchudar said...

You are confused, but I am feeling dissapointed since I have respected her for helping my friend and then..... No need to say anymore.

Anonymous said...

hmmm... not good not good...
im sorry for your friend too...

Wendy Pang said...

hmm.. woman after all~~